Canberra Touch Football Trophies

With hundreds of touch football trophies and medals to choose from, we've got the perfect trophy for your club in Canberra, at the perfect price. With lightning fast turnaround times and prices that will make you smile, we deliver engraved touch football trophies directly to your door in Canberra in as little as 4 days!

Great quality, cheap touch football trophies for Canberra clubs & schools

Whether you're buying touch football trophies for your local club, school or just for your kids, has a large range that will cover all of your requirements:

  • Great selection of participation trophies and medals
  • Colourful range of cups at budget prices
  • Custom cast medals designed just for your touch football club (allow 6 weeks)
  • Engraved gifts for your coach
  • Perpetual trophies, honour boards more

Why buy touch football trophies for your club in Canberra from is the only Australian trophy & engraving company with a 5 star rating on Google Customer Reviews.  It's easy for a company to make claims; we let our customers do the talking.  Here's just some reasons they rate us so highly:

Delivering engraved medals and trophies directly to your door in Canberra in as little as 4 days!

Lightning Fast Shipping

Tue 01 Apr*
Fast Track & delivery fees apply. More info

Fast Track 3 day production + 0 day delivery

Wed 02 Apr*
Fast Track & delivery fees apply. More info

Fast Track 4 day production + 0 day delivery

Thu 03 Apr*
$9.90 delivery fee

Standard 5 day production + 0 day delivery
*Delivery dates are guides; choose Fast Track options for tight timelines.
Google Rating
Based on 928 reviews